It was a wet and windy night and the morning dawned damp and murky. I had a slow breakfast, then walked Merlin. He’s getting fed up with the mud and wetness and is less eager to go for walks at the moment. Yesterday he did a sit down protest as we left the house but was eventually persuaded to walk with me.
On our afternoon walk we passed by the allotment and I noticed the shelter I built in the summer had been blown over. Merlin sat patiently while I got it upright and manoeuvred it back into position. On reflection I suspect I’ve designed it well for ‘lift-off’ by enabling air to flow more quickly under it than over it, and with an upward tilt. A rethink is needed!
As we wandered home I felt even more foolish for my oversight on seeing this nest of twigs perfectly balanced and secure despite the wild weather of the last few days.
Hoping you’re safe and well.
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