Song Thrush
Nothing original I'm afraid but I know that some people never see a song thrush and they're such lovely birds so here it is. Again.
It's been a lovely morning but oh dear - that low winter sun shows up a lot of dust. I set to and did a bit of cleaning. There's always more to do but the sun has moved round now which has helped me to ignore that. In fact the sky is clouding over and I'm keeping an eye on the washing which I've hung out on the line.
Everywhere there are signs of early spring. The birds are vocal. The starlings which nest about the front door are investigating the possibilities for 2025. I should really get the whole thing seen to but the chicks are so cute. There's still plenty of time for winter to bite us but today you could be mistaken. Especially in the sunshine which felt almost warm.
Pacing myself as I have a trustee meeting tonight which I could fine do without but there are things to say. But no papers yet which is strange.
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