Gorilla in the Mist!
Lie in morning for me so I ate my porridge, thank you Tony, did my NYT Puzzles and Brandreth's Full Rainbow, listened to the Archers. How on earth is Linda Snell going to stage Cinderella in five days? By drafting in Berwick Kaler of course, dame extraordinaire.
Time to get up so I donned my outdoor gear and went up to the drying ground to retrieve the wildlife camera, sadly not even a herd of stampeding wildebeest, just me emerging from the mist in primate stance! Back home it was time to put out some mealworms on the feeders, clean and refill the birdbath, take up the brown garden bin and clear some of the deadwood from the border. Good to see lots of tulips coming up in the cosmos patch.
Time for a cuppa and Hobblwordl before I have to print off a grant application and put my brain to work ahead of a meeting with neighbour L this afternoon.
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