St Mary's Church
This well loved and maintained rural church is a gem. Well off the beaten track we drove inland on our way back from our physio appointment in Waimate this morning. Not hard to find, it sits on a hill overlooking the rural landscapes and is surrounded by a small churchyard cemetery. This Gothic Revival style church was built in 1880.
Duh, I took my camera, but without a card, duh.
Fortunately I had my phone so took a number of photos around the graveyard and church. Of course, it wasn't open as expected. Services are every two weeks.
I haven't edited any except this one which I have made into a triple exposure done in Photoshop. I had the sun behind the bell tower giving the glow.
Zipped into Timaru to do my supermarket shopping this afternoon and noticed a cruise ship was in, the Silver Muse....small on international standards having just short of 600 guest. Looked pretty post (extra)
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