One More Sleep

Orla is five tomorrow. Five. I am gobsmacked every time I think about it. She requested a "Lego Harry Potter" birthday cake, so I decided to make a rendition of Hogwarts in cake. I have never attempted a gingerbread structure before; let's just say I've learnt a lot of lessons. I'm pleased with how it's turned out, given the extent to which I was winging it. Orla has seen it, obviously, but she hasn't see the Lego mini-figures. Hopefully that will be a big surprise. For tiny bits of plastic, they are eye-wateringly expensive, due to the fact that Lego Harry Potter is no longer in production. So she will just have to make do with the figures and her imagination. She will also be waking up to her new trampoline, a present from Grandma and Grandad, and a Playmobil pirate ship.

I have very vivid memories of my fifth birthday. I was in hospital, having just had my tonsils out. My parents brought me in a cake with pink and white icing and a ballerina on top. I blew out the candles but wasn't allowed to eat any of the cake. I was allowed ice cream though.

Conor rolled over today. None of us saw it.

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