Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Primula or Primroses?

According to Dr Google - Primula is the 'botanical' name for primroses.

Anyway, these are in a pot in my garden and I thought although scruffy, they add a nice bit of colour for today which in total comparison to yesterday, is cold and wet, with a little bit of sleet in it

The yellow ones in the extra are behind these in the same pot :)

Thank you all so much for all the stars, hearts and comments yesterday  on my first trip to National Trust Greys Court this year .  It was an enjoyable morning :):)

Cafe Church this morning, then a bit of a lazy time.  

In other news, I seem to have somehow hurt my forefinger? (next to the thumb) on my left hand, and being left handed its awkward to write as this morning I couldn't bend it at all. Now with a bit of gentle movement its a bit better, but very sore :(  Really hope it will be OK for the week's work!

Now I must concentrate as I'm leading the online prayer meeting this evening, and am not very organised about it yet (I only remember it late last night - but it will be fine as I've done a lot of them before).

Back to the grindstone tomorrow.  If I could afford it, I'd like to only work 4 days a week...but life is what you get given, and you get on with it you know :)

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