After feeding Minstrel this morning I went back to bed for a little while as I felt it was too early to be up on a weekend, especially after a quite tiring Friday. Once in bed again, I did not want to get up! I was so relaxed, warm and comfy I could've stayed there even longer than I did!
Anyway I eventually got out of bed and did Blip comment whilst eating breakfast/drinking coffee. Later we had a walk along the river bank to find a Blip.
Today's weather has been a world away from yesterday's - considerably cooler, with a chilly, soft breeze and beautiful sunlight. On our walk we saw a microlight aircraft, a heron, cormorants and two magpies - one of which I blipped. I had shots of the aircraft and the heron but chose this because I've previously blipped herons more often than I have magpies! Brian is Blipping the Microlight.
We are going out tonight, to see a local band in a local pub. I'm ambivalent about going! I will enjoy it once I'm out, it's just all the time-consuming getting ready!
When I was a youngster I enjoyed the getting ready bit as much, if not more, than being out. Maybe because I could be more creative then - less is more these days but it seems to take as long! Then it was about trying to create a dramatic, arty look. Now it's making sure I don't look like I have been up all night (Even when I haven't!) and have bothered to put a comb through my hair at least once in the past week!
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