
By KathyH58


I didn't think there was going to be any color for the sunset tonight.  There was a little bit of pink, then it was gone. So I stopped to get a burger and garlic fries. One of the local burger places has garlic fries that could be addictive. When I came out of there I noticed the sky was starting to glow, so I looked for a side street that would take me closer to the harbor. I was able to pull over, open the window on the truck and take a couple of photos.

After I finished work I went to Rainbow Haven, and found these common eiders.

We got to the store today and found out that the store had reset the peg board area of the nail reline. We only had to do the colors. So we were finished by about 12:30(instead of 3 pm).

Next week could get interesting. Tuesday I am scheduled for an 8 hour day. There was supposed to be 5 people working, now it is down to 3 people. Possibly 4 if Alicia can work. The coworker that I was with last week (and do not like) was supposed to work. The day I worked with her she said she wasn't feeling well and didn't know how much longer she could work.  She must have decided she didn't want to work. No big loss but it does leave us short two bodies now, plus the student who is not available till after 3 pm is no longer on the schedule, so her jobs need to be filled too.
I may take Monday off next week, or have a short day. I have full days on Tuesday and Friday, and 3 other small jobs(1 - 2 hours each).

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