Custom made Cross
At absolutely no notice, Mitch made this big cross for our prayer room. Danny and Gemma chose the wood on Wednesday afternoon and today Mitch put it together, even though he'd had a pane of glass fall on his hand this morning and had ended up in hospital getting 10 stitches!! He's a good soul that one. Gemma and I manhandled it out of the van in San An, and man was it heavy!!
I had Deep Dive this afternoon... Each person had spent time thinking about a word for the year ahead, then shared their word and reasoning behind. Very beautiful and vulnerable.
The day ended chilling with Karen, whilst painting new testament Greek words on stones, as requested by you do!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mitch's kindness.
2) Soul chat.
3) Hilarity carrying the cross down the West End of San An.
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