
By Stuart9613

So much going on

Helen has travelled down to Shropshire today. She is meeting her Mum and Wendy at her Mums later this evening and wanted to get the house warmed up before they arrived. Tomorrow they are visiting a nursing home with the hope that her mum will like it and want to go.

For me today has been about preparing for the next named storm coming in. Heavy rain most of the morning and by 3pm I had had enough. What was going to be a cup of tea and a sit with the cats turned into a very long sleep. After treating myself to four hot dogs and chips had a catch up with my old friend Trevor.

Thought I might need help sleeping due to the incoming storm so headed off to bed with a half and half G and O because I had run out of tonic. A lovely gin aptly named 'Stormy Bay' which is from Morecambe.

Nearly caught up with Blip entries. Pic is from one of our solar generators.

Hard to believe that Peter passed away two years ago today. 

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