Storm Eowyn
A bright and sunny day. Very strong winds from the south west which is just about the worst direction for us because it hits us side on negating the storm protection we have built in. The wind speeds also build as they roll over the ridges. So a day of rattling vents, creaking and swaying tunnels. Not good for my nerves.
During the day we lost an old tunnel sheet and I had to haul it in like a sail and secure it. Not easy on my own. One of the apex storm ties also snapped in the top block so another repair job had to be done.
Spent part of the afternoon in the back office catching up with Blip trying to convince myself that because I couldn't hear the wind at the back of the house it wasn't as bad as I thought. A tiring day.
Helen and Wendy took their Mum to visit the care home they have in mind. Although they all liked it their Mum couldn't see herself living there. She is going to take some convincing that it would be better for her own welfare.
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