Just Joey for flower Friday
I love this rose. Unfortunately this bush is not very healthy and it gets too much shade but today I saw 2 flowers with some colour worth blipping. I also took a closeup of the crepe Myrtle.
I did a few jobs then went for a short walk before welcoming Graham and the isbi family who often star on isbi’s blips. Graham has been recording his holiday for the last week or so. He and Bec, Elizabeth, Hugh, Adelaide, and Henry also blipped on a big holiday a few years ago so all together there were 7 blippers and we all forgot to take a photo. Earlier I phoned isbi for a catch up. She was on the exercise bike and I was walking. It’s good to be able to do two things at once.
Nina and Maddy came to collect Onky this afternoon so the other dogs are more settled. I love them all but they are so jealous of each other.
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