This is the second bunch of daffodils I have bought this season - the first bunch did not open at all, possibly because it was so cold last weekend (although my house is warm), and this second bunch took forever to open.
I timed my walks around the bad weather today - this morning was calm and dry, and although we had winds and rain at lunch time by 2.30pm it was once again calm and sunny, so we had a second walk.
Some good news came today. Anna is applying to do a PhD in BioEngineering at the University of San Diego starting this autumn - she had two out of three interviews last week, and was told that there were about 750 applicants of which only about 35 will get final interviews. She was waiting to hear when her third interview would be, these three interviews are necessary before selecting those for the final interview, when she heard today that she has been selected for the final interview and is being flown to San Diego for that interview. A really good outcome, and fingers crossed for her final interview next month in San Diego.
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