Today I got up early because I had to walk Django before going into work for the first computing lab for my course at 10:00. There had been a hard frost overnight and the sky was still clear so, although I was out before the sun came up, it was pretty when it became light. Just before I got home, I met a friend I've not seen for a while, and we had a good chat, despite her dog not being happy to see Django.
After the class, I had lunch in the common room with a young colleague and some PhD students. I spurned the seminar, and got on with work. Developer F confirmed that the seminar was too theoretical, and good to miss! We shared the office through the afternoon, until my Year 4 project student arrived at 16:30.
Back home, A had cooked a tasty meal with venison meatballs, and after we'd eaten she went out. Hence I'm relaxing now before taking Django out and then getting back to work.
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