Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

That's New.....

SWMBO got a phone call from the company with the farcical quote for the bathroom this morning.
She was surprised we hadn't been in touch and were we happy with the bloke?.
She was told we we still in shock at the outrageous quote and that No - we weren't happy with the bloke.
She asked if we were having anyone else give a quote and she was told that we had already accepted the one we got before her guy turned up and took residence. She agreed it was a much better offer ...and that they could never complete with a local fitter (obviously they are too busy  -- and doing too well  -- ripping of the elderly and infirm).

I brought some 'stuff' down from the loft and was surprised that SWMBO didn't object to any of it being earmarked for disposal. In fact, she booked a slot at the dump after lunch. I take that as the green light to drag a load more out soon.

After going to the dump there was a trip to the charity shop t hand over more to them. I asked the lady if they accepted crafting stuff. Apparently they do if they are still in the packaging. I can manage that ........ So it looks like there will be another run there in the next few days.

There was then a small shop done.

There was a short time at the lathe while I made a wee weed pot from a piece of the wood I got from our Polish neighbour the other day. I wanted to confirm that it was indeed Lilac as I suspected. It is.... it has a very distinctive smell while it is being worked - but it doesn't last which is a shame.

Todays picture is the Persimmon I was having at lunchtime. I have never come across a Persimmon with seeds in it before. They are black on the outside and this silvery on the inside .... and quite large.

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