I wonder . . .
An amusing blip to brighten up another dull day. This photo is one of four with a watery theme that I picked up in B&Q a long time ago - probably soon after we moved here and were having the bathroom completely done out. And they have hung in the bathroom ever since. I particularly like this one and I often wonder - did he make it over the puddle?
Today I was putting towels away and then going to my computer so I remembered to do something I have kept meaning to do but have always forgotten - find out about the photograph.
Apparently it is quite a famous photograph - often called ‘Leap of Faith’ or ‘Man Jumping Over a Puddle’. I have somehow always thought it was taken in Paris - but no - it was taken in 1939 in Hyde Park. The photographer was a J.A. Hampton who was a well-known photographer of the 1930s. There is a lot of information about this photograph online describing how amazing it was to achieve such perspective and movement in a photograph at that time.
I just hope he made it - maybe one day he will turn to me and tell me . . . perhaps not whilst he is actually jumping.
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