
By Grisbister

Phillip Island 2

Today the boys and I went out at 7:30 on an organised fishing trip with 3 other paid guests and a captain. It was supposed to be 4 hours but ended up being over 6! Hugh never fatigues of fishing and Henry did well considering he didn't get as many bites and got spiked by a flathead. We all caught multiple fish, at least half were either too small, or of no interest, but we still walked array with 7 (including salmon, snapper and yellow tail scad). Needless to say, we had fish for lunch and dinner. After lunch Henry and I stayed at home while the others went to a chocolate factory. After dinner, we all went to see the "mutton birds" fly back for the night at one of the beaches. This was basically a cheap man's penguin viewing that I heard about from the others on our fishing boat. Personally, I thought it's was better than seeing penguins which don't really do anything too spectacular, whereas these things fly about all over the place in a swarm. One interesting thing is that these birds actually move up to the Arctic for much of the year, before returning to their very same nests down here. Another excellent thing about these birds is that seeing them is free. 

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