
By soozsnapz

Lighting up my card

I’m constantly moving things around at present, as chairs, desks, everything needs to be shifted for decorating to take place. I absentmindedly put my Ghibli card near my desk light, when I was putting back my work table, after the radiator had been painted. And accidentally discovered that is exactly where it should be, with the light shining through the cellulose. 
When my son was choosing his GCSEs, by some good fortune he signed up for BTEC media studies as opposed to GCSE. And instead of writing analytical essays, he watched and made various kinds of animation and short films. And his teacher introduced them to Ghibli films, which neither of us had heard of before.  We fell completely in love with them - especially My Neighbour Totoro, Ponyo, Howl’s Moving Castle. And started collecting the DVDs. You probably know the guiding principle of the studio is that, if you took any single frame at all from one of the films, it would stand up alone as a beautiful picture. 
Early in 2011 a strange alignment occurred, my mum died, and the Fukushima disaster happened. So I had some money and the possibility of taking a holiday - and the cost of holidays in Japan dropped significantly.  We researched was it safe to go to Tokyo - it was generally thought that it would be - and we went. We didn’t see any other European tourists while we were there. One of the many highlights was the Ghibli museum. I brought this card back with me, but I haven’t had it on display til recently. It shows some scenes from My Neighbour Totoro. My absolute favourite. One of the highlights of the museum was a human sized furry Cat Bus (see the top of the card) which we were allowed to sit in:-)  Joyful.

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