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By Arell

A knife ending

I really must get the sharpening stone out and give my big kitchen knife a proper going over.  The point is all stoved in which I didn't realise until I looked at my photograph just now.  It's probably so much hamfistedly sliding it into the wooden block.

It's also an approximation of what all the ribs on my right-hand side feel like when I take a deep breath.  They said nothing was broken, but gee whizz it hurts.  I went to bed last night with a one-sided headache – in fact I've not really managed to make it go away since Thursday – and woke up with a sore back as well, so this morning I opted for ye olde Anadinne instead of the high powered stuff, and it worked enough to get me through the day.  I had an extremely lazy morning, after which I was able to wash my hair at last, with a few contortions along the way.

Then while I had some energy I did a bit of pre-Holz planning.  The nice hostel in York I wanted to stay at was booked up solid, which was a big bummer, and the actual YHA place in York that I've never been to was just about available but barely cheaper than a B&B.  So I hunted and found somewhere else that got nice reviews.

(I've also backblipped the 6th, since time ran away with things)

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