Emergency Blip
I was trying to make a lid for a dish that had 'gone oval' when SWMBO appeared at the garage door to say she had been on the phone to her sister and we were to go over so see about getting some Elm and Ash that has been cut down behind their house and was lying next to the stream.
So I got together the chain saw, an extension and some 'rope' and off we went.
Getting down the embankment was easier than expected - as was getting the selected chunks of wood back up (Thanks must go to my nephew there). No cutting or ropework was required.
Tea, homemade cake and chatting was then partaken of.
When we got home I cut the three largest chunks in half lengthways to - hopefully - prevent them splitting too much.
There was some catching up on TV during the afternoon - and a visit from our Polish neighbour. He had brought me some Cherry from his garden and was offering me a small trunk and root-ball from something else. It looks like it may be Lilac but I will need to cut a piece to check ....Lilac has a very distinctive smell.
This evening I realised I hadn't taken any pictures - so I pointed the camera and a torch at the carved hummingbird and the artificial rose. The rose is stronger than I thought.
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