
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 58/69
Main activity: Fri - around the condo, pool, O'Maddy's w/ Ellen
Notes: Did a dark load first thing this morning, had coffee and online then the rest of the morning. Texting w/ Ellen then about 315p and we decided to meet at O'Maddy's - was a nice catch-up, I had a Heineken 0 and she ordered the salmon salad. I rode back w/ her then, used the rest of the flatbread and topped w/ white garlic butter sauce, black olives, beef bacon and cheese - so good! Had a Juicy Partake with it but was really hungry still, had yogurt w/ honey and few remaining bites of choc whipped cream and then warmed up the rest of the ribeye I'd put in crock pot yesterday to tenderize - was pretty good the 3rd time! Went to bed just after 9a.

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