
By Nettenet

On the up

Well, I woke just after 6 (way before my alarm was due) but I had no little visitor arriving in my bed and they were still in bed when I left to get to the boys.  Rebecca messaged to say A slept through til 5 and then went back to sleep til 9 (however, she wasn’t so good the following night and Bex said she would have chucked her in to me at 3 in the morning;-D)

Rebecca asked what my plans were as she felt the need to get out for a while.  We ended up meeting in Bordon where I used to take O to her little dance class.  I arrived about an hour before Bex so the boys and I had a play.  Once she arrived and after A had a complete change as she had a poonami we had lunch in the cafe and it was lovely to see the lady who used to serve us.  More play and walk before going our separate ways home.  Think it was good for Rebecca to get out for a couple of hours.

Extra collage.

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