Mum/Nanna to the rescue
Rebecca has been poorly for a few days now and last week Adam had to come home from Wales one day to help with looking after Arayla. It’s very hard doing it on your own and it was my work day so I couldn’t help….. this is when I wish I could retire to be on hand.
Over the weekend she had a severe ear infection that culminated in her drum bursting. She said it was the worst pain ever. As Adam returned back to Wales today (this should be his last week having to go to Wales) I offered my services if they were needed and yes they were.
I went over in the afternoon and A had a very long afternoon nap so Bex managed to snooze too. I got to bathe her in the evening before bedtime and Bex asked if she she did the early night feed could she bring her into me 6/7am when she woke up.
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