Adam's Images

By ajt

Does my bum look big in this?

This is a Citroen Jumper, index EE 713 SR that has been parking blocking the pavement every morning this week. Should you choose to walk in the road around this obstacle, you run the risk of being squashed by oncoming cars that could be coming from the side street or the road ahead, neither who would be able to see you. You could alternatively squeeze along the side of the van, though the pole just in front of the parked van makes negotiating the van a bit of a challenge. There is not much of a pavement on the other side of the road here - plus it stops where the car parked to the right is anyway.. On Monday and Tuesday you couldn't use the other pavement if you wanted to anyway as another van from the same company was parked on that pavement...

Some people YPLAC*

* If you don't know what it means don't look it up if you may be offended...

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