Yn amlwg niwlog
Yn amlwg niwlog ~ Clearly foggy
“All too often, today’s technology becomes a distraction that syphons your energy and diffuses your attention. But when you use a camera to look out at the world, your eyes may light on a gesture, an image, an expression - and you experience the indispensable spark of awareness and presence. It’s a flash of insight that can pierce the fog of your preoccupied mind and bring you closer to the living moment.”
― David Ulrich, (David Ulrich, Zen Camera, p1, Watson-Guptill, 2018, 978-0399580338)
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Dechreuodd y dydd yn niwlog ac eithaf oer. Es i am dro o gwmpas fel arfer. Roedd yn dda i gerdded - beth bynnag y tywydd.
Cawson ni'r un (the one) dasg heddiw - symud cwpwrdd ac yn delio â beth bynnag ffeindion ni. Fel arfer (as usual) ffeindion ni llawer o bethau doedden ni ddim wedi defnyddio ers blynyddoedd, neu gotiau a hetiau nad oedd eu hangen arnon ni. Yn obeithion bydd y siopau elusen yn hapus eu derbyn. Cymerodd hi drwy'r dydd, ond weithiau un peth y diwrnod yn ddigon.
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The day started foggy and quite cold. I went for a walk around as usual. It was good to walk - whatever the weather.
We had the one task today - moving a cupboard and dealing with whatever we found. As usual we found many things we hadn't used for years, or coats and hats we didn't need. Hopefully the charity shops will be happy to accept them. It took her all day, but sometimes one thing a day is enough.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Niwl ar y comin
Description (English) : Fog on the common
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