Yn rhedeg o gwmpas i gwblhau'r gwaith
Yn rhedeg o gwmpas i gwblhau'r gwaith ~ Running around to complete the work
“Nowness, or the magic of the present moment, is what joins the wisdom of the past with the present. When you appreciate a painting or a piece of music or a work of literature, no matter when it was created, you appreciate it now. You experience the same now in which it was created. It is always now.”
― Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, (Chögyam Trungpa, Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior)
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Heddiw gorffennon ni'r gwaith ddoe. Es i â llawer o bethau i'r siopau elusen- rydw i'n bob amser hoffi cymryd pethau i ffwrdd cyn gynted â phosibl. Roedd fy meic yn pacio uchel gyda bagiau a blwch i fynd i'r swyddfa bost. Mae'r beic cargo yn odidog - mae'n gallu cario cymaint.
Pan roeddwn i'n allan prynais i bethau i wneud rac cotiau gartref - y rhan olaf o'n gwaith. (Mae'n swnio crand ond roedd y gwaith dim ond rhoi darn o bren rhwng rhannau o strwythur IKEA.). Hefyd ffeindiais i'r amser i ymweld y fynwent, lle welais i'r ffwng hwn o flaen bedd.
Pan gyrhaeddais adref mi a wnaeth y rac cotiau. Bod yn onest roeddwn i wedi blino ar yr holl redeg o gwmpas, ond hapus i gwblhau'r gwaith.
Mae e wedi bod cwpl o ddiwrnodau llwyddiannus, ac mae'r tŷ yn fwy taclus.
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Today we finished yesterday's work. I took a lot of things to the charity shops - I always like to take things away as soon as possible. My bike was packed high with bags and a box to go to the post office. The cargo bike is magnificent - it can carry so much.
When I was out I bought things to make a coat rack at home - the last part of our work. (It sounds grand but the work was just putting a piece of wood between parts of the IKEA structure.). I also found the time to visit the cemetery, where I saw this fungus in front of a grave.
When I got home I made the coat rack. To be honest I was tired from all the running around, but happy to complete the job.
It has been a successful couple of days, and the house is tidier.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Ffwng o flaen bedd
Description (English) : Fungus in front of a grave
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