Off she goes t'market

Last week we discovered a new stall at our local weekly market - everything for one euro. You know the kind of tat that you didn't realise you needed but just have to have because it's such a bargain. Well it was a dream for little girls as they had every colour of nail polish that you can possibly imagine and Olivia had a tough choice choosing which colour to spend her tooth fairy money on. She eventually opted for shocking purple but later that evening she was wishing she'd bought the electric pink.
You can imagine her delight when she lost another tooth a few days later so she has been waiting for today to go and spend her money!
However the market story doesn't have such a happy ending as the stall was absent today but Mummy's suggestion of buying one of those cheap toys from a vending machine type thing at the exit of the supermarket was met with delight. She now has red hair (due to a red hair mascara wand) and a Snow White red plait extension for her hair. Classy.

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