The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


A busy day starting with a trip up to the care home, got the fees sorted and then met with siblings as Mum was having a DiADeM assessment (instigated by the care home)…thankfully the diagnosis hasn’t changed since her last assessment but it was good to speak to someone who was happy to listen and give good advice without being overbearing.

It was lunchtime by the time we left so I joined one of my sisters and niece for lunch in a nearby holiday park where they had a soft play for my nieces little step grandson. A much needed wander round M&S afterwards to refill the fridge. Once home and the shopping was sorted I took myself for a walk along the prom…another lovely afternoon to blow the cobwebs away.

Got my box of chattels sorted last night and I’ve another to do tonight…there’s still a way to go before everything could be called sorted but I’m picking my way through it!

Thanks to steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday this month.

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