
By Grisbister

Daylesford 3 (trout farm)

Today we travelled about 25 minutes out of town to visit a trout farm. You pay a certain amount to get in, and then per kilogram of fish that you catch. Hugh (who loved the experience) caught 2, Adelaide 2, Elizabeth 1 (her first ever fish), and Henry 1. Henry's came in the biggest at 39cm, and Adelaide also got 2 yabbies which we chucked back in. Bec and Hugh naturally cooked fish for the kids dinner and we still have plenty left over. (We had 2.6kg in total). Later in the night Bec and I went out for dinner while the kids stayed home. Bec had a lovely cocktail of sparkling wine, grand marnier, bitterers, and a sugar cube. I'll have to try making it when we get home. I had duck, my old favourite. 

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