
By LadyFindhorn

By the Light of the Silvery Moon at 8am

It’s all relative but I felt I had hit the jackpot with a temperature in double figures this morning as I made my way to the sea. It was such a joy to get dressed post swim with fingers that didn’t go completely numb and not be a shivering mass when fully clothed. On the downside, for reasons outside my control, it took me and hour and ten minutes to arrive back home. The traffic was busy and so were the buses. It’s particularly hard to be amongst the people  forming an orderly queue at a bus stop and watch others who arrive later, hang about in the general vicinity of the bus stop and then hop on to the bus first and grab the seats, particularly if the bus is late and many people waiting.. not very British!

I finished reading my homework novel and actually enjoyed it. It does help to read a lot of the book at the one sitting rather than reading maybe 2 pages in bed before falling asleep and then failing to remember the plot the next day

I had 4 lovely thank you letters in the post today from my youngest grandchildren in Glasgow and Shipley. I have no doubt there was a fair amount of coercion from my two youngest daughters for this to happen but at least Nina, Ewan, Ralph and Sid responded magnificently to warm their grandmother’s heart.

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