The Lone Man
The Grandparents gave everyone hard cash for Christmas. That's folding paper, although these days it doesn't fold and isn't paper. A rare thing.
The children looked on it with great interest, who was on it, the bridges, etc. They looked like they had never seen it before. It's clearly been a long time. To be fair, Yuri hadn't ever seen it. It is useless to them. Before getting her job, she studied pictures of all the notes and coins so she could handle money, but the restaurant is card only.
I gathered the cash and made the appropriate deposits. Today I went in search of a bank. I had wanted to go into the St Andrew's Square bank as it was the bank I joined aged 16. The very nice kilted men at reception suggested I use the cash machine just outside the foyer to deposit the cash, so I never got to look into that grand hall again.
The wet street and light skies gave way to fabulous reflections. My extras show them nicely. But today, this lone man beside this enormous sign stole the show. I visited 3 shops and the Big Sale seemed to be no more than a 10% reduction, if that.
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