Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Saint Joseph's Coat.

The Feast Day of Saint Sava. Greece.
The Feast Day of Scottish Saint Kentigern, known affectionately as Mungo. Patron saint of Glasgow, Scotland, salmon, those accused of infidelity, also invoked against bullies.
Status : Missionary, Bishop, founder.
Born 518. Culross. Died 13th January 614.
His name Mungo is from the Gaelic words mo cha, meaning dear one. His ministry lasted 13 years. A very devout Saint. He re located to Wales and founded the cathedral at Llanelwy.

The temperature is 9c this Tuesday and it was raining this morning. It is now cold, damp and overcast. There is a small amount of pure snow in a front garden, yet I am glad to say the area is now mostly snow free. The puddles on the paths are a feature and the visibility so poor the Hambledon Hills are obscured.

The cats have been fine and playing.

Paul went to B&Q and bought a new door handle for the door leading from the kitchen to the utility room. He is drilling now.

Take good care everyone and have a good Tuesday.

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