
By meles


The day had a back to the 'auld claes and cauld parritch' feel to it - not that we've really had a holiday, but it was the first yoga session of the year. Hmm, everything rather creaky (I'd only managed a couple of sessions at home - poor show!). Still, P was very gentle with us. It was good to see Marjorie back in this class (apart from her being an old yoga chum it means I'm not the oldest!) and she very kindly offered me a lift back to Leith. I wanted to go to OT to pick up a prescription so she dropped me at the corner by the traffic lights. From an angle I don't usually see, I was startled by the proximity of this ship that seemed to have settled amongst the cars and vans in Portland Gardens. It's actually the Boka Atlantis, just beyond the cruise ship terminal.

D went up to the allotment with bird seed and was greeted with much enthusiasm.

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