She's here!
Got a text from Ele at 9am to say our newest member of the family had arrived at 3.04am. Bit of a dramatic entrance (more on that later :-) to the world but all well :-)) What a relief.
Today's mission was to buy more paint testers for the Team's kitchen, so after lunch we headed to B&Q and emerged half an hour later with nine testers!
Ele had tried to FaceTime while we were in B&Q but the signal was rubbish so we FaceTimed when we got back to the car and got to see this precious little bundle sleeping soundly whilst being fussed over by her big sister. I asked Esme how it felt to be a big sister. Weird apparently! lol!
Chatted to Nikki, who looked remarkably well considering. She's had such a difficult pregnancy, feeling so sick all the time, that I think she's just so glad it's over.
After waiting over 48 hours to get to the labour ward, they finally moved her at 2.55am. Nikki didn't even make it to the bed as this little one decided NOW was the time to arrive! Thanks to her quick reflexes, Nikki caught her as she made her entrance, taking the midwife by surprise! She's a little doll at 5lb 14oz. Ele had to nip out and buy smaller babygrows as the newborn ones were too big. No final decision on name yet but the front runner is Orla, which I hope they stick with as they've mentioned some corkers!
So, by arriving 16 days early, our little Great Niece is a Capricorn and not an Aquarian like her Great Auntie and her dad. I can forgive her that :-)) Can't wait to get a cuddle!
After dinner I got the paint testers onto paper and we quickly reduced the nine colours to four, then two, then one. To my surprise D's two favourites were the same as mine, and we then both agreed on the final choice. We were ably helped by LeeAnne and Withers, giving thumbs ups and vomit emojis from afar. Thankyou eejits ladies :-)
I am now reassessing a hat I started crocheting for the wee one as it will be miles too big and probably not fit her till the summer, when she won't need such warm headgear! Think I'll start again with DK wool and a smaller hook.
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