Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


While the male cardinals in their brilliant red plumage get most of the accolades, I personally think the females are every bit as striking as the males.  And when you get one against a nice snowy background, even better.  As an added bonus, their colors read well on the camera sensor without much, if any, faffing about.

We got about an inch of snow overnight which is just the perfect amount - enough to look pretty without requiring any work.  To be fair, I did shovel a little path to the feeders, but that was just to keep my shoes from getting all snowy.  

The high was only 31 F today so although we did take Jax for a walk after lunch,  it was a short one.  He did get some good sniffs in, though, and is now happily sleeping in front of the fire, snuggled up next to me.  What a life.  Tomorrow and the next day we should hit the high 30's which will feel almost balmy.  

I am currently reading "The Lion and the Rose" by Kate Quinn, the second in her Borgia Chronicles.  I haven't read a single book of hers that I have not thoroughly enjoyed - and this one is no exception.  Also interesting to read about the history of the time, especially as it relates to the Catholic Church.  I do love a good book!


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