The leak took a peculiar turn. Having filled up the boiler, sat around for a couple of hours and then headed out to pick up some firewood, I got back about 11 to find that the pressure had hardly dropped at all. And a couple of hours later it was still only a little more down. And then I noticed that I had left the filling loop open. Had I stumbled on a temporary solution and managed to have a small amount of water trickling into the boiler at more or less the same rate as it was leaking out. I think I had. But it needed topped up anyway and it was unlikely that I could manage that trick again and the very last thing you want to do is have too much water going in. Still, worth a try so I topped it up and tried to get the tap back to the same spot. Five hours later it's actually gone a little high so I'll need to close the filling loop and let it drop a little and, at the same time, nudge the tap closed a little.
The latest broken thing from eBay. £5 for a little practice amp that had no power. Fixing practice for me since I can't actually play guitar. Unfortunately not much fixing to be done. A little fuse soldered to the board had blown. Maybe the previous owner didn't look inside. Maybe they don't do soldering but it's fixed, all the pots, plugs and switches cleaned and it sounds as good as new. Just need to do something with it.
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