Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Buchon Point

Spent most of the day in bed or laying around with a horrific headache. I did some sleeping and some reading and finally near the end of the afternoon, I started feeling better.

The view today was the second clearest day we've had here since arriving on Friday, July 12th. This is looking south toward the community of Morro Bay and this photo was captured from the south corner of the backyard. I've cropped the wires. Mr. Fun especially loves when the view is revealing the southern tip, Buchon Point. From our place we can see the southern tip and the northern tip of this body of water named Estero Bay. It's quite beautiful. It would require an extremely wide-angle camera to capture the entire view.

After eating some dinner, we walked the three pups to the ocean's edge. The sunset on the pier was spectacular, but I've posted the pier view numerous times recently - everyday it is different. It was a very good day, even though I felt mostly awful - the 29th is always worth celebrating.

Good night from Cayucos on California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the 3 pooches), aka Carol

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