
Four hours sleep does not a graceful mummy make. I was grateful for moments like these which made me smile today, Bear decided he was going to try ALL my pretty shoes on!

I have been a horrible, impatient, clumsy, shouty mess of a mummy today. But grace being what it is, I apologised to the boys at bedtime for being so awful and they assured me that they still love me. Even if they did then take what seemed an age to go to bed again.

We have tidied up today. Tidied up, put stuff in the loft, brought stuff down, eaten, done more tidying. Bear had a very early nap - 11am he was snoring - but still managed to get through til after Bean had been persuaded to go to sleep.

I've finished tidying the office / Spare Oom, so now it's time to prepare for tomorrow's messy play date with friends and see what I can find to cook up!

Steve's away in Manchester tonight. Tomorrow morning an interview in Castleford, and then picking up a very excited blipper and blippette to bring them back here for a night!

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