By Yorkshirebred


So much for getting back to blipping!  I've been very lax and unable to raise much enthusiasm with being unable to get out much! Missed a Blip opportunity on 3 January when I should have joined the BPWs at the Rock & Roll Panto in Leeds, but my knee is not improving and I knew I couldn't do the bus, train and the walk to the theatre. I did join them for a meal afterwards though. Since then the snow came and my street is still deep snow and ice a week later!  Today I had a supermarket delivery coming and wanted to try to clear a way past the car a little. My right leg suddenly disappeared down into deep snow and jarred my knee again (some very unladylike words were muttered!) so I'm now sitting with my leg raised hoping no more damage has been done!  Painkillers don't even take the edge off, so I'm not taking them. It is 6 weeks next week since I did this sprain so I'm going to speak to the surgery again next week to see what is going on. So, just a photo of the ice on the inside of the garage door's window - that is as far as I have been all week! You can just see the sunshine and blue sky at the top of the image. A glorious day, but the snow and ice are going nowhere fast!

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