Screen Hood
I spent this morning making a screen hood for my Mac. They are very expensive to buy online so I bought a piece of foam board & made my own. There’s still a little fine tuning to do but I’m quite pleased with it.
I should have taken myself off for a walk because it was a beautiful day but I was keeping my eye on the time because I wanted to go to Aquafit.
I arrived at the pool to find that Aquafit had been cancelled, there were just four of us that hadn’t got the message. We could have gone in for a swim but the others had already decided to go for a coffee instead. I knew this little gang went for coffee on Thursdays after Aquafit so I hung around until they asked me to join them. It was a chance to get to know them & I enjoyed the chat so hopefully they’ll ask me next time.
I called into work to deliver my nieces birthday card & have a chat, my SiL & I were discussing cookware, we have s/s pans but I’m looking for a hob to oven casserole, she recommended Le Creuset but they’re so heavy, my other SiL swears by them & manages the weight so I’ll just have to toughen up & do some weightlifting exercises.
Called to see J on the way home, she’s doing well & has finished her radiotherapy & is now on chemotherapy tablets.
No camera club tonight because the speaker couldn’t make a Thursday so it’s tomorrow evening instead.
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