
By JennyOwen

On the lookout

How to they survive days of freezing temperatures, these tiny birds? Or perhaps the more accurate question is 'how many of them survive?' I'm happy to say that there was a whole gaggle in the quince tree today, making periodic dashes to the bird feeders and back.  I took this through a window, so it's not quite as sharp as I'd have liked.
After a morning of household admin and tidying-up, I met Simone from nursery at 3. She was swathed in warm clothes, top to toe, and perfectly contented after her outdoor day. All the same, it was good to pick her up before the temperatures really started dropping again.
We had a cheery car drive across town and met Frieda, F's friend Finlay and Finlay's Mum at the dance studio (Finlay's mum having collected Frieda from school). Later Marianna arrived after a late afternoon teaching session, and I drove home. Teamwork! 

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