
By KateH

In the bleak..

Most of my photos today are WhatsApp pics from friends in LA which is getting pretty desperate.  Vik has so many friends in LA who are getting evacuated and some are also at risk of losing homes. I woke up just now (writing from tomorrow’s date as it were) to find one of my closest friends has evacuated and a former colleague has been burnt out completely.  Everyone is going to focus on celebs who this has happened to but there are plenty of ordinary people in LA as well! Fire is terrifying.

Meanwhile in the spirit of continuing gloom we ended the day with no heating, still, huddled in the room with the fireplace which was burning (in a controlled way) all day.  At least we have a ton of wood since we chopped up the old fence.  I managed to do a lot of my taxes,  a good walk, to cook some soup for lunch, to do Pilates (I know! Midweek extra!) to do an afternoon in the office including starting to read the novelisation of one of my shows.  

Too cold to stand and cook in the kitchen in the evening so we defrosted some stew and ate huddled round the fire and the telly.  

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