Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Sneaky Squirrel

A really cold day, but nice and sunny. Wasn't sure about the road conditions when partner and I set out for a walk. We did head down a road to the park and decided after about 20m that this route was quite icy, and we'd better take a different route. So along the road where we live instead, which was fairly clear. Just a couple of places where it was too icy, and we walked on the road. At the end of the road, we spotted this squirrel running across the road, and on to a garden wall. It looks very well fed and has obviously worked hard in the autumn stocking up on food. Then we walk up Cockmylane and head to the park. Yesterday's soft snow is now quite hard. We have to concentrate walking around the park. Only one child sledging today, and they are too young to go to school. They have the sledge run all to themselves. Although being young, the protective dad and grandad don't start them at the top of the hill.

After work, it is on with the ice grippers. A much more comfortable walk, just around the park, as partner is fed up with the freezing conditions. What a difference the grip makes when walking along the road and around the park. Mind you, it is very cold, so a short walk is in order.

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