Slippery bridge
As it was once known, until they replaced the old wooden one with something new. Certainly slippery when wet, which is what it was tonight, although it was drizzle rather than rain. I was walking into town to meet TSM from work and as the cold rain began to fall I was beginning to regret my decision to get some steps in.
Productivity and energy levels were good today. I cleaned. I drilled holes and put up brackets. I went to the dump although I am concerned that I am running out of stuff to take up there. The staff at the dump said not to worry, it was a common anxiety amongst retired men and they had launched a new service where they delivered stuff to you so that you could bring it back again whenever you were bored.
A very garrulous woman outside Waitrose complained that the trolley handles were too cold and that they should keep the trolleys somewhere warm. I said it was a disgrace and I thought that the handles should be electrically heated, which she said was a good idea. That’s the danger with saying things in jest, people take you seriously sometimes. Waitrose head office is probably already in receipt of an email with my suggestion.
In the evening we watched Simon Scharma telling The Story of Us which looked at topics as diverse as the Festival of Britain, Alan Sillitoe’s Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, the swinging 60s, the astonishing radical female artist Pauline Boty (who I had never heard of before), Marilyn Monroe, Cliff Richard, pornography, Christianity and moral turpitude, freedom of sexual expression, culture’s ability to bring people together … actually I think the question of who we are got lost in Scharma’s enthusiasm for the subject. Fun to watch and intriguing social history but not in itself radical and progressive.But it did make me think …
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