Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hockney and Hals

Two very different exhibitions in London today - Franz Hals and David Hockney. These are my tribute shots of fellow gallery groupies, one of whom looks like Hockney himself and the other who would be at home in a Hals gallery. 

Today totally illustrated everything I love about art and how it enriches everything we do. Great art just blows the lid off what it is to be lucky enough to be alive and to feel connected with the world around you. We didn’t spend long at the Hockney but will go back. The Hals was just stupendous. I knew nothing about him before today but his portraits are just stunning celebrations of everyday people.

In other news: 

Lunch in Piccadilly Whole Foods. TSM got a new iPhone from the Apple Store in Regent street. And we went back to the Masons Arms in Maddox Street after a gap of several years. Strider finished assembling TSM’s new bookcase (bloody hero) and it snowed a tiny bit. We did 15,000 steps and had the most fantastic day.

Oh lucky man!

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