Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

First day out since I got ill. I did make it ’There (to the supermarket), and back (home) again, without meeting dragons, gobblins and other vile creatures. The road was a bit treacherous though…with rain coming down on cold ground, and the pharmacist did give me a stern look when I told her I’d been ill since New Years, and not seen a doctor… I got my cold medicin and I’m hoping for a more quiet night. I also splurged a bit and bought pricey ’immune’ fizzly vitamine C discs, that you put in water. Tried one already and since I’ve mostly been drinking water, it was a nice change. The tube with the rest will come with me to work tomorrow, so I can add it to my water.
Time for a shower and then a cup of tea with milk, which I’ve had to exclude also for many days, since milk has a tendency to increase what I need rid of in my cough.

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