Goldfinch approval.
Lots of bird activity in the garden this morning. Not surprising with these continuing freezing conditions.
As always tricky getting near to the windows without scaring them off.
This is a lovely new bird feeder we got for Christmas from our
S i L. Thank you very much R.
Our other feeders have two perches so only two at a time can access the seeds but as you can see three can get on here. They are not the only ones who approve. Lots of Siskins too this morning and as ever the Blackbirds and pigeons/doves make the most of the discarded droppings from the smaller birds like the Robin featured below the front feeder on Monday, no sign of him today.
I decided to send a couple of jumpers I don’t wear much to Reskinned to make room in my drawers for new ones. Had to take the parcel down to Bingley to the nearest collection point. Whilst there we decided to have a warming coffee. We visited a few bargain stores in the town centre looking for salt. The pavements are shocking so not surprisingly everyone is sold out. I saw a big bag of meal worms in home gardens so bought it and gave out a good couple of handfuls on the ground in bath front and back gardens when we got back. The Blackbirds were happy and we had a Thrush too.
Found some salt in Lidl where I treat myself to some more hyacinths. Three pink ones for 1.99! I’ve already got a blue one in flower but the more spring flowers indoors the merrier at this time of year as far as I’m concerned.
We’ve all decided we’re not doing our usual ‘3 and go’ at the local pub at teatime as the pavements are just too dodgy. Predicted temperatures overnight are -10/11 C! Think I might be giving the early walk a miss too. I love walking in snow, but though still pretty in places, this is now just frozen jeopardy.
Take care and keep warm over the next few days if you are in our area of Yorkshire.
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