Shoe box loom

3years 283days

Lovely blip friends Helen and girls blipped their first efforts at weaving a few days ago. It inspired us to try. We made a shoe box loom, as I remember having done in my childhood. She thinks the word weft is fabulous and got the hang of it so much quicker and more enthusiastically than I expected.

Parents evening tonight. Her key worker is really pleased with how she's doing. She got a glowing progress report. Although her keyworker said Katie is a bit of a monkey with doing guided tasks, such as the number work or pen control/writing practice. It surprised me as she does a lot at home, of her own accord. So maybe she just doesn't feel the need to then demonstrate it to someone else. Little monkey refuses to write her name very often, where at home she does it over and over. She told me Katie is really enjoying having new little ones to take under her wing. And apparently has really good ball control skills with a football- she has no interest in football with mummy! I love how different they can be for different people.

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