Doing the Hokey Cokey
" ... you put your right leg in ..."
There has been lots of activity on the bird front in the garden today. A greater spotted woodpecker has discovered the sunflower hearts feeder, and is busy doing its best to empty it. I'm hoping for a shot of it at some stage, as it generally flies up to the tree when it's finished, unless its surprised, in which case it just flies away. It is quite nervous though so I may need to commit to sitting in the cold for a bit to get that shot of it on the tree. With the bitter wind today wasn't the day for that sort of thing. So instead here is a much more easily achieved shot of a greenfinch male in its breeding plumage.
It's a busy week on the camera club front, as I have to give a short presentation tonight, during the Club's review of 2024, and then on Thursday night I'm down as another local club's main speaker for the evening. So for very obvious reasons I've been busy at work on the computer for most of the day.
It's not a bad place to be, as it's pretty cold (for here) outside. We did have a little sprinkling of snow last night, but not enough to get excited about - just a light dusting. the sky is clear again now though, so I think I might want to wear an extra pullover for camera club - the heating in the hall isn't terribly efficient at the best of times :-)
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