Falling apart but still serviceable
The NHS.
And me.
I'm very impressed at and grateful for the care I've had from my GP surgery and the community diagnostic centre over the last month, as different bits of me start, almost inevitably at this stage of my life, to show signs of wearing out.
After an appointment this morning, pulling together the results of various (mostly unconnected) tests, I've been exploring the NHS app in some detail. When it was set up I ignored all the alarmist warnings about my health information being sold to US pharma companies and Russian spies, and I find the amount of data I can access impressive and really interesting. It sent me off on lots of internet searches for more information. I know that lots of people already know this, but I'm in awe at how much detail blood analysis can give about the body's workings.
Those who know me won't be surprised that this afternoon, instead of doing the painting, I turned it all into a spreadsheet. This evening Secondborn helped me set up conditional formatting so that any result that is outside the normal range over the last 9 years, and for any data I enter in the future, is automatically highlighted red. The doctor has all this in his head, of course, but I am learning.
Black and white in colour 298
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